Sunday, April 22, 2012

It's a BOY!!!

I was never so ready to have one of my kids come out of me as I was with our fourth.  I felt sooo much pressure from him and was so tired of being pregnant.  At about 7 months pregnant I decided to paint the outside of the house, which was crazy.  Allisa Nathan helped so much.  But what we thought would be a few day project turned into weeks.   I will never paint brick again.  What a pain.  Anyway, that whole project made wanting this baby out of me even worse.    So finally my doctor gave me the ok to be induced.   He was due November 9th (I think) but with John's schedule we decided November 4th would work out great.  It was a Friday and my mom had the day off of work so she was able to help with the other kids and then continued to help throughout the weekend.

So Friday morning at 5:30ish we headed to the hospital.  They checked me in and sent us to the delivery rooms.  By now it was around 7:00.  They prepped me and got me hooked up to the IV's and such.  Around 8:30 my doctor (Starla) came to check on me.  I wasn't doing much so she said she'd come check on me during her lunch.

Well, I was most excited to see the anesthesiologist.   I get nervous about the huge needle in my back but think it's better than feeling birth.  Anyway, this was the only tricky part of the day.  My one side was not numbing.  Which I wasn't too worried about until the anesthesiologist explained to me that this would only intensify the pain on that side.  So after positioning me in different ways they finally were able to get both legs numb.  After that birth was a breeze.

Anyway, they checked to see how dilated I was a few times, but there really was not much progress.  So John and I sat and watched TV for awhile.  Then around noon, my doctor came back to check on me.  She said I was dilated to a 9!  I couldn't believe it, I didn't realize I was progressing at all -- the beauty of the epidural.  She said she'd come back in a bit and then before leaving just decided she'd go change and see if we could get this baby out.  I was shocked it was all happening so fast.  So a few minutes later she came back in, and three pushes later our little Carter Douglas Fairchild was born.  He weighed in at 7lbs 6oz. and 19.5 inches long.   We hadn't found out if we were having a boy or a girl, but I kinda just thought a boy so it wasn't as shocking/exciting as I thought it would be.  But still fun.   The other problem with not knowing the gender was not having a name.  We didn't decide on one for sure until the next day.  Carter was really the only name we both Carter it was.

We could see his little red hair right away and there is no arguing now.  He is definitely a red head, although I am still not sure what color of eyes he has (he's almost 6 months old).

Well Kynadi, Brooklyn and Linken love their new little brother now, but Linken was not so keen on him at first.  I don't think he really understood that this baby was OURs now.   When mom first brought the kids to the hospital the girls were excited.  Kynadi loved it, and Brooklyn was happy but still seemed a bit confused by this new baby stuff.  Linken on the other hand was afraid of Carter.  When Linken realized the baby moved and was real, it was just like he is when he sees a dog, he was afraid.  He got upset at first when we put Carter near him and wanted him  to go back.  It was funny.   John finally convinced him to touch Carter, but he was ready to get out of that hospital room.  It took him a bit to warm up in the hospital, but now he is the proudest big brother and wants to "help" with Carter too much.

He is such a cute little guy and is really a great baby.  He still doesn't sleep through the night, but that is my only complaint.    He is so mellow and happy, just as Linken started out, but is now a busy, rambunctious  little three year old.  Life is good though.

We are definitely blessed.  Four healthy, happy children!  Who could ask for more?   (Not John; he says it's the fourth and final)

Sunday, January 15, 2012

We have finally moved to our dream house on the ranch and are raising llama!we hAve adopted a chip name Emma! What a perfect life.... Whos could be any better...?!? No one!!!!!!!!!!$!!!!!!!$!$!$