Sunday, November 18, 2007

Funny Sayings

Kynadi sure keeps me laughing with the cute things she says. For example, I always sing her a song I made up that says, "Go to sleep my little Kynadi..." so the other day she sang it to me and said, "Go to sleep my BIG mommy". WHAT!?!?! John thought it was funny, I'm not sure if it was funny or just offensive :) It did give me a pretty good laugh though.
Then just this last week we were downstairs playing and the TV was on. I wasn't paying too much attention to it and I didn't think Kynadi was either. She was laying on the floor coloring and then in amazement she looked up and got my attention, "Mommy, mommy they said Me". I was so confused. She was pointing at the TV so I knew it was something they said but I thought maybe they had said the word me. So I was asking her questions and she kept insisting, "they said me". Finally it clicked... they had been talking about John F KENNEDY. She heard her name and you could tell it was confusing to her that they knew who she was. It was so cute. That made me chuckle pretty hard. I just wish someone else was there to see the look on her face thinking that the TV was talking about her.
She says the cutest little things all the time so I may have to start a blog just to list phrases of the day.

1 comment:

Chris said...

I'm pretty sure it was both funny AND offensive. Full Respect my big S-McD...