Thursday, March 13, 2008

From the mouth of Kynadi

This entry is mostly for me so I will remember all the cute little things Kynadi says all the time. She always brightens my day when she talks (which is all the time).

One of my favorite things Kynadi says is, "Mommy you can sit next by me. It makes me happy when you sit next by me". This is said almost everyday at breakfast. I love it.

In the car as we drive to Kindermusik, storytime, church or whereever, I ofter hear Kynadi from the back, "Mommy I'm excited to go to ..... This makes me smile everytime I hear it. Just something in her voice is so content and happy to be doing whatever we have on the agenda that day.

Almost every night at dinner she says, "oh thank you mommy, this is sooo yummy". It's said with such a sweet sincere voice. I can't help but love my sweet little bean!!

Kynadi always wants to draw pictures for people. Then she will tell me that when the special person sees it, they will say, "oh thank you Kynadi". It is just so cute to hear her voice announce how happy they will be to get her gift. Plus I just love to hear her say her own name...she pronounces it more like, Kin-da-dee.

As Kynadi was saying her prayers the other night, she abruptly stopped and asked me, "wait mommy, what did we do yesterday", she gets time references like yesterday mixed up, so I wasn't sure what she was looking for since we hadn't done anything. Plus I was wondering why she had just stopped her prayer to ask me this. She then tried to get it out of me by asking if we went to story time or Kindermusik. I told her we hadn't gone anywhere yesterday but we had gone to kindermusik today. So then she continues her prayer, saying she was thankfull for Kindermusik. I thought this was so cute. Whenever we say prayers with her we say we are grateful for whatever little activity we did that day(if any), so I thought it was precious that she had to stop to ask what we had done so she could be thankful for it.

Then along these same lines. Another night as we were praying, she was trying to say something about Kindermusik. I don't remember all the details but she had stopped her prayer again. Somehow we got onto a similar discussion about praying about being grateful for the activities we get to do. I used Kindermusik as an example and told her how we are thankful that we get to go have fun there. She then tells me that we should write Miss Carrie (her teacher) a thank you note and that "that would be really nice" and "that will make her happy". I thought this was cute too, that she correlated being grateful with writing a "thank you" note. The funniest part is she hasn't forgotten it. We went to Kindermusik yesterday, and at the end she gasped and said, "oh!, we forgot to color Miss Carrie a note". So I think we'll have to do that for next week. :)

Kynadi also keeps us in line. Whenever John and I argue, Kynadi will alway burst in, "Daddy you're not supposed to yell at mommy" or vice-versa, but John usually is the recipient of the remark..which really annoys him since he's not really yelling, just talking sternly. I usually enjoy when she's putting John in his place. Not so fun when she says it to me though :)
Also, the other day she was at church waiting with my mom, when she heard my mom talking with another lady. My mom said somthing like, "well I'd really hate to see that..." Kynadi again butted in and told grandma, "we don't say hate!" My mom was a bit confused and had to really think about what she had said since she was not using "hate" in a mean way like Kynadi was thinking. Nothing like having a two year old correct your language in front of people at church! Funny Funny

Anyway, these are just a few of the sweet things I hear come out of Kynadi. She is really such a caring little girl. For being so young she is already full of compassion and love. She wants to make sure everyone is happy and really is just sweet. I can't think of any other way to explain her character. I'm soooooooo lucky to be her mom. What a blessing she is!

"The Kids"

Well, Kynadi's creativity never ceases to amaze me. Just lately she has decided she has pretend friends. She calls them "the kids". I think they first came about last week at church when Grandma brought her home. She made sure grandma buckled them up and told Grandma all about them. When I heard about this I thought it was cute....that was until the next day when "the kids" came with us to run errands.
I went to get my car registered and while we where there Kynadi was playing with the door. I was afraid she was going to smash her hands so I told her to come in the room all the way and sit on the couch. She then explained to me, very seriously, almost upset, that "the kids" were still out there (meaning in the hall) and that she was just waiting for them to come in. So I told her to get the kids in and have them sit on the couch with her. So she told the kids what needed to happen and she got on the couch along with "the kids". She was sitting there very content with the kids. Then a woman came in and sat right down on the couch...Squashing the kids!!! I'm sure she didn't mean to, in fact she acted like she didn't even see them, (go figure) . Anyway, I thought this was going to cause trauma for Kynadi and I looked at her and she looked at me a bit concerned, but then she continued to smile and be happy. She didn't say anything at this point and I was quite relieved she let this incident slide by. Well, a little later when I had finally finished, I turned to Kynadi and told her to come on. She started to follow me out the door, but in the door way she must have realized "the kids" were not following her. She suddenly turned around and sternly talked to the kids, "Kids!, Kids!" She was quite upset with them for not coming like they were supposed to. Sooooo funny! There was a line of people watching and of course there were some laughs at this whole incident. Well, once we got the kids out the door, we had to make sure they got in the car with us and Kynadi let me know they were buckled up next to her. Then off to the post office.
The post office was about the same. We had the same incident of "the kids" not following us out the door when we were ready to leave. Kynadi again turns around (to nothing) and starts trying to get the kids attention. "Kids, Kids!" she'd say. The second "kid" was said with much more sternness and annoyance in her voice. It was so funny, yet a bit annoying at the same time. It's one thing for your child to have a pretend friend, it's a much different thing to have to wait for these friends everywhere we go!
Well, "the Kids" have continued to be with us throughout this week doing many different things. Kynadi will constantly remind me about them, where they are and if they need to come with us. It's definitely something I hope I always remember. I never thought such a young child could have such a HUGE imagination.