Sunday, January 20, 2008

Christmas Trip

For Christmas this year John convinced me that we should go to Texas and spend it with his family. I was a bit hesitant but since two of my sisters weren't going to make it home for Christmas I decided maybe it was only fair that we spend ONE Christmas in Texas. That may be the only one he gets though:)...good thing it was fun.

We were there for almost two weeks and compared to the weather here, it was so nice there. Between the weather and housing prices it wouldn't have taken much for John to convince me to move there...Maybe!! Anyway the biggest problem with the trip is that we remembered to bring our camera, but forgot the battery charger so we got these pictures of the girls first time on an airplane, but that was all the battery held out for.

Our trip was lots of fun. Kynadi was excited that we actually got to go the park in Texas since there was no snow on the ground. John's parents live right by a park and his sister Tammy does too so the park was a big hit for Kynadi. Plus having her cousins around to play with all the time was also exciting.
I'd write more about it but both kids are awake now so my time is limited. Maybe I'll add more later.

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