Sunday, February 17, 2008

Little Miss Brooklyn is growing

Brooklyn is definately getting bigger. I took her in for her check up a few weeks ago and they said at 7 months she is the size of an average 9 month old. She's too cute. She finally got her top two teeth to break through within the last week and now grinds them together like crazy. The sound drives my mom nuts! Also she just started to figure out how to crawl like a normal baby does.:) Before she ended up with her head on the floor, as the pictures show. She's still not too fast, but she's catching on. And just today she's figured out she can grab onto things and pull herself up. She LOVES standing up against things. It's still really new though and she isn't too steady... definately needs a spotter. She's such a funny little girl; instead of little baby gaga's and goo goo's she just screaches and yells. I'm serious --no quiet little noises just aprupt shouts and screams. In fact today she was doing it and Kynadi says, "Mommy Brooklyn has to go outside to scream." Too Funny! I'll have to make sure to record it soon.

1 comment:

Holly said...

Oh my gosh! I can't believe Brooklyn is 7 months old already, it seems like she was just born and should still be a tiny little baby. Those pictures of her are so cute with her little behind up in the air, it's good that you got some pictures of that to show her when she's older. What a cutie! I can't wait to meet her.