Friday, October 10, 2008

The First SNOW!!!

I walked up the stairs today a bit groggy with Brooklyn and was surprised to find the outside covered in WHITE. There was snow everywhere. I couldn't bleive it. It has gotten colder lately but I hadn't been wearing a coat or anything, just jackets...if that. Anyway, Kynadi was pretty excited when she woke up so right after breakfast we bundled up (at least the kids, I don't seem to have snow clothes) and headed outside. It was perfect snow for a snowman! This doesn't seem to happen too often so we took advantage. Here are some pics of the girls and then our finished project :)


Holly said...

Holy cow, snow?! Ethan is jealous but it's supposed to snow and/or rain here this weekend so we might not be too far behind.
Oh, and I tagged you on my blog. :)

Teri said...

I love the first snow. I miss it so much. How fun.