Friday, November 14, 2008

A Story...In Memory of Tippy :(

Well Tippy, my parents dog, which we've had since I was probably in middle school, died about a month ago. She was just too old. Anyway, Mom was gone on an overnight trip to UT for work, so Kynadi and I dug a hole to bury her in, out behind the fence. During this time I was having to explain to Kynadi a bit about what it meant that Tippy had died and why we were digging a hole. I wasn't quite sure if she understool. Well, about a week or two later we were driving somewhere and we pass a man outside digging a hole. Kynadi was quick to piont it out and said, "mom he probably has a dead dog too!" LOL Maybe so, there's few other reaasons I can think of for digging a hole..she must be right! :)

1 comment:

Holly said...

Poor Tippy. My dad's dog died a few weeks ago and Ethan took it pretty hard.