Sunday, December 7, 2008

Another Scoliosis update on Kynadi

Yes, Brynn I am writing about it again! Anyway, despite my sisters love of hearing about Kynadi's back, I'm posting as usual for my own records..not hers!

Well we headed for Utah for Kynadi's appointment at Primary Children's in mid November! They took x-rays as usual, and things look great!! She started out with a 56 degree curve in her back and now it is down to a 15 degree curve, isolated in her lower back. Her upper spine, where the curve showed before, is straight now! The x-rays looked great. The doctor said if she were to have come in initially like that, they wouldn't have done anything for her except monitor her. He said a lot of the time with children, the scoliosis will go away as they grow. So he told us Kynadi doesn't have to wear her brace for the next six months and then we'll see how she looks at that point. If she stays the same they'll just leave her out of the brace and keep monitoring it, otherwise back to the brace we go. But for now YIPEE!! It has been so nice to be told, "mommy I need to go potty" and to be able to tell her she can do it all by herself onesie to tuck in her shirt to avoid the toilet water, no brace to help take off and NO fighting/convincing Kynadi to lay back down so I can put the brace back on. Especially with a baby almost here, it will be nice to have a break from the hassels of the brace!! I just hope she really does out grow the rest of the curve.


Anonymous said...


I really enjoyed reading your Blog. Recently I have been diagnosed with scoliosis, so I spend most of my free time researching and trying to find information on the internet. In Fact in my search I found and they have introduced me to the world of SpineCor.. a flexible soft scoliosis brace.. I was so relief that I did not have to wear the hard rigid braces. I wear SpineCor under my clothes and no one even knows I have it on.. anyways, I look forward to all the updates. Thanks again,


Dr Stitzel said...

Genetic Pre-disposition + Environmental Influences = Idiopathic Scoliosis

Metaphorically, it could be described in terms of toothpaste being squeezed out of a tube.(Pictured below) The genetic pre-disposition would be the equivalent of how tightly the cap is screwed on; The environmental influence is how hard the hand is squeezing the tube; and the amount of toothpaste being ejected out of the tube is the resulting combination of both the cap tightness and the pressure from the squeezing hand.

Armed with this basic understanding of scoliosis of spine, it is readily apparent that one must alter either the patients genetic pre-disposition and/or eliminate the environmental influences prior the curvature becoming progressive and bio-mechanically driven.

Find out more about environmental risk factors at