Sunday, February 22, 2009

May it rest in peace?!?!...

Garbage that is!

I don't know if I am the only mom out there with this problem, but I cannot throw anything in the garbage without the approval of my children. Whether I tell them or not, they investigate the garbage daily. Kynadi will often pull out papers she drew one line on, upset that I threw her picture away, or broken trinkets/toys, candy that I don't want eaten, and any other object she may find even the tiniest value in. Brooklyn has joined in this escapade in her own way. She tends to pull out anything she finds interesting...used paper plates, empty cans, milk carton ect. The worst happened during lunch a few weeks ago. Brooklyn will never sit still at the table to eat, so she was up wandering around the kitchen with her mouth full. But then I realized nothing seemed to be disappearing off her plate. I look in her mouth and sure enough, she was choosing to have last night's dinner remnants rather than the lunch I had fixed for her. SICK! I have now begun hiding garbage that may be of "special interest" to my children and also plan my big "throw-outs" at night while they sleep and take things to the outside trash. This all seems a bit ridiculous, but I hate having to explain and confess my reasons for throwing things away.


Marlene said...

My kids do the same thing, digging in the garbage to see what I've thrown out. Even if there is stuff on it, they pull it out and try to wipe it clean. I now take everything outside to throw it away and keep it gone!

Holly said...

I always feel guilty about throwing any of the boys' pictures or art projects out but I hate when my fridge starts looking so cluttered. I have to sneak too, I always push the pictures to the bottom of the trash can and pile stuff on top of it.