Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Linken and K-bean medical update

We took Kynadi and Linken in for check-ups recently. Linken is looking really good. The docs are very happy to see how round he is becoming. He's already out grown his helmet and next week we will go get his new one. Nothing else to say there. His progress is great.

Kynadi, on the other hand is digressing. She has been out of her brace now for about six months. On her x-rays back in Nov. they said her curve was only about a 15 degree curve. But this time on her x-rays it showed about a 34 degree curve. I met with the nurse practitioner in the orthopedic office this time rather than Dr. Smith her normal doc, and I LOVED her. She actually explained things and took the time to look at the x-rays and compare. She showed me how she was measuring Kynadi's back and even showed me how her measurements on the last x-ray were at 22 degrees. I was very impressed with her, and would like to see her all the time. We'll see though, I'm not sure how to tell Dr. Smith I think he sucks!
Anyway, I'm getting sidetracked.
So obviously Kynadi isn't able to maintain the straightness in her back, so she's going back to the brace. We went to SLC last week to get her cast for her new one. She did GREAT. She held still the whole time they were casting her. I wish I would have had my camera. You could tell she was a bit nervous laying on the table with 4 grown-ups around her, putting the slimy casting "stuff" on her, but she didn't complain at all. Anyway, we go back to SLC again next Tuesday to get her brace and Linken's helmet. We'll see how wearing it again goes. Dealing with a new brace on top of potty training Brooklyn and dealing with Linken teething sounds like good times to me :)

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