Monday, May 3, 2010

From the Mouth of Kynadi...

Kynadi has always said such funny things to me. She's a sharp little kid and nothing gets past her. Well just yesterday she cracked me up. After our dinner prayer Kynadi says to me, as serious as ever, "Mom, I can't hear with my eyes closed". LOL Oh yeah, is that why they are always open during the prayer? Everything makes sense now. SO funny to me.

Then today I realized again how much I have to watch what I say around my little bean. I guess at preschool the teachers were asking what elementary school the kids would all go to. They told me that Kynadi informed them that we weren't sure which school she would go to because we are trying to buy a house on Knotty Pine St., but we're not sure if we will get it or not because it is a short sale. What, she really knows all that?? That little Kynadi picks up on everything. If anyone ever wants to know my deepest darkest secrets they'd just have to ask her.

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